Today’s Post is brought to you by the letter P…

I am just going to do a share what’s in my brain post which I guess could be counted as a sort of newsletter that people send out so if you are subscribed to my blog you will get an email informing you of the random things I have in my head as well as my frustration with my cat as they cause chaos of my life.

What I also want to do is kind of share some of the things that I have run across the Internet and what I find fascinating this week.

As many of you know I kind of elm always on a continuous treasure hunt for stupid trivia I will have no use for it in my life but pirates — historical not modern-day — always been a fascinating subject for me. I think it’s interesting that you cannot really separate the mythos from reality where pirates are consumed but it is always fascinating to see how their societal strata operated both in the New World and Asia.

Now that I have gotten the cat out of my coffee… I can talk about my love for the storytelling in this video game called Lies of P. I don’t necessarily want to play the videogame because often times they frustrate me and rely a lot on combat which I could learn but let’s face it, not only am I lazy but if I’m to spend that much time playing the game I would rather write that said I do like to sometimes watch someone do a game walk-through and Lies of P is actually based on the original telling of Pinocchio. I love the game developers take on this and the graphics are incredible as well as the multilayered story that they’ve built into this game. It actually reminds me of a very well-crafted White Wolf storytelling adventure run by a very good DM. There are several different streams of walk-through and I find myself comparing different gamers’ personalities as they comment on their experiences as they play the game. I actually found somebody I really enjoyed listening to as she played not only because she’s enjoying herself but also she stops and reads everything which is very critical to somebody who has no intention of playing the game but wants to know what’s going on.

I actually recommend at least going to look at it because it is fascinating storytelling.

I think those are the only two things that I’m going to really get into on this post because I do have a few other things but I want to talk more about them. Let me know in the comments what oddities you enjoy doing that other people look at you and say what the hell are you thinking? To be fair I get that a lot.

And now for something completely different… sorta.

One of my favorite things in the world to do is actually dig through random facts and crazy stories. I have no idea why it is a thing but there is something satisfying to me about odd notes in history or science and I fall down quite a few rabbit holes in my daily life. I don’t know where this curiosity comes from but it feeds my soul so I thought I would share a few of the things that I have stumbled across in the past couple of days just to share some of the nonsense.

Ten Twisted and Sinister Fates of Presidents’ Remains.
why does this interest me? I have absolutely no idea but it does. I guess it’s because even in that there is no permanence. it’s kind of crazy the things that to the dead. I could go into the sacredness of someone’s remains but that special connotation is only true to the beholder and not to the average other person. Still, I feel that we should honor the sacred bond someone has with the remains of their dead. But it is crazy what some people do.

Three Ingredient Coconut Donuts
I always find these recipes and think how I should try that but I know that I never will. Mostly because if it involves baking, I never have self rising flour. But these seem so easy to do and I almost wonder if you use raspberry yogurt instead of coconut yogurt they would taste like raspberry zingers which I really like. so I might actually try to making these.

Spicy Nonna and Stuffed Artichokes
I love artichokes. Like adore and love and mmmmm artichokes. I wish I could find the small artichokes people use to cook whole but all we have around here are the large ones. Still, one day I shall have a supply of small artichokes and I shall be in heaven. I really want to try this recipe. It looks so very tasty. One day!

And lastly…. Checkers and Pogo
This show was a staple in so many of Hawai’i’s kids. I was a participant from the audience once and it was a highlight. I’m sure both men were probably sick of it all but it paid the bills and well, they were loved and adored. It’s been forever since I’ve thought about it but here is a retrospective of the show. There’s three parts and well, it definitely is very much a local thing.



I am home and I am alive.

Definitely my insides have been chopped up a lot and oddly enough I can feel how. The surgery went better than they thought it would and they also spent a considerable amount of time removing tons of scar tissue from my interior. That part was also easier than they expected so while the surgery went very long, everyone involved is quite optimistic about the outcome.

Now I have to concentrate on doing nothing and healing up. The pain medication doesn’t really take care of all of it but it’s enough to deal with the major parts. I will not be able to lift anything for quite some time and I have been forbidden to drive. I also have to be better about taking mid-day naps because I have been avoiding doing that.

I do have a lot of tubes coming out of me and they are not very comfortable. But thank God for coffee.

My Favourite Book: Courtship Rite by Donald Kingsbury

I actually want to talk about a book that I consider one of my favorites of all time… Courtship Rite by Donald Kingsbury.

It is both fantasy with a dash of science fiction but more importantly it is a spartanly written yet lush book about interesting characters, family dynamics, dynastic ambitions, and a little bit of intrigue. Some of it very violent.

For some people it is a hard read because of the content about a society struggling to survive but the reader actually joins this society when it is fairly far along on its course and along the way there is a subtle understory that eventually unfolds in bits and pieces for the reader to knit together. It doesn’t really very vital for key to the main stories but it does lend a rich undercurrent to a back story that is left untold and it is almost like a treasure hunt for the reader to figure out how these people ended up where they are and how they came to be in the society that they’ve built.

Obviously I won’t go into it much further because if somebody does want to read this I don’t want to spoil them.

Read its Wikipedia for more information (without spoilers):

It was written back in the 19 eighties and I can tell you that the brilliance of Kingsbury’s writing still holds up today. There is really so much I’d like to talk about but I have to pick through bits and pieces to figure out what I could say and what I can’t. The book follows the social evolution of a family consisting of three brothers and their two wives with the catalyst of the story being the leader of their clan ordering them to marry a religious heretic when they have already promised to marry someone else. The members of the family act in their own specific ways… Some are trying to figure out a way to make it work while others are against the whole thing.

Their society is based on the political weight of how many people you speak for and this heretic has a huge following that the leader wants to bring into the fold. It is a complicated story but told simply and I how several copies of the book because if I have a friend I think will enjoy it, I gifted to them. I’m sure every single person that I’ve given it to so far has been — what the fuck is wrong with this person that I know?

I can accept that.

I wish I could write as well as Kingsbury and I wish I could craft world is tightly knit as his. Probably a lot of my fondness for this book has to do with my admiration for his skill and how he approaches the viewpoint of his writing. He writes with brash intelligence and never assumes the reader can’t keep up. He respects the readers’ intelligence and crafts the story in such a way that every time it is read, the reader discover something new or see something in a different light.

But when it is all said and done — it’s just an enjoyable book.

Some books are available on Amazon. If you do plunge in, let me know how you do!

mmmm dau lau…

I haven’t thought about these in years. To be honest I don’t think I was ever sure about what they were called other than brown sugar Mochi balls but you used to be able to get them some of the small mom-and-pop stores in Hawai’i. They were usually sold alongside of the sweet steamed rice cake which is also kind of difficult to find these days because as an old-school treat, they are not very fancy and they don’t photograph well so not much to show on social media. But they are fantastic to eat and it is always good to see people resurrecting favorites that generations of people have enjoyed. I think too often the culture is too focused on finding the next great thing and we lose sight of some of the smaller special tidbits that are cultural foundations.

I am very happy to see a pushback against people denigrating other cultures’ food. Not everything is going to be someone’s taste but usually there is something that is adjacent in the repertoire of a culture’s culinary offerings that someone can enjoy.

If you have the chance and the inclination, I would say try to make dau lau and see if you like it. I have also had it with brown sugar and peanut butter inside of it and that is something I highly recommend if you like that kind of thing.

Life and Udon

I just wanted to drop in and give a update about life in general. There is actually not much going on because I am waiting for surgery in March so that sort of dominates the whole landscape. I am doing this speech to text so please excuse the typos and such.

Mostly I have been focused on trying to stay warm and dry amid the rainstorms that we have been having which of course we do need. Drought in California is a real thing and it’s good to see the reservoirs and lakes filled up as much as they are so that is a positive. The downside with that comes from of course increased growth in the canyons which leads to the promise of a very dangerous wildfire season later on but that is something that everyone will watch for. I was surprised to find out that we had a tornado warning in a neighborhood not far from mine. No tornado but just conditions were good for them. And mind you it was also very cold while this was happening so I was surprised we did not get hail.

The cats have all been little shits because Goji is a chaos demon so she terrorizes the house and the other to respond in kind.

A couple of days ago became the year of the dragon and since it is my birth year, I am grateful to see it. (See I know a lot of people are saying that if it is your year you will be facing a lot of obstacles but honestly I have lived through quite a few dragon years and that has not been the case so I’m hoping that will continue to hold. I’ve already had a lot of crappy years recently and dammit, this will not be one of them.

So I hope all of you are doing well and I will keep you updated about the surgery that will be happening in March. And maybe I’ll be able to get some writing news as well.

Let me leave you with a very long video featuring an udon restaurant in Japan. I do really like to watch these because not only does it explore food variations but also there is something relaxing about someone cooking.