

I am home and I am alive.

Definitely my insides have been chopped up a lot and oddly enough I can feel how. The surgery went better than they thought it would and they also spent a considerable amount of time removing tons of scar tissue from my interior. That part was also easier than they expected so while the surgery went very long, everyone involved is quite optimistic about the outcome.

Now I have to concentrate on doing nothing and healing up. The pain medication doesn’t really take care of all of it but it’s enough to deal with the major parts. I will not be able to lift anything for quite some time and I have been forbidden to drive. I also have to be better about taking mid-day naps because I have been avoiding doing that.

I do have a lot of tubes coming out of me and they are not very comfortable. But thank God for coffee.

23 thoughts on “Alive….

  1. Petra Rajgelj

    Take care of yourself. I’m glad to hear that doctors are optimistic. Hopefully this will be the end of this ordeal. Hugs.❤️

  2. Eric Alan Westfall

    Dear Ms. Ford,

    We “met” on October 19, 2012, when I bought Dirty Kiss, and our 49th “meeting” was on January 22, 2024, with the purchase of Port in a Storm. I’ve read almost all (3 to go), and loved everything I’ve read. Indeed, I recently started re-reading the Cole McGinnis series. I’m not sure how long I’ve been on your mailing list.

    In any event, I have been remiss in not telling you sooner (and often) how very much I enjoy your writing, your posts about them, and the rest of your posts. Even the ones about cooking meals I could never cook, because I don’t cook! *s*

    I have followed the ups and downs of your health issues, and have only three things to say. (1) Hang in there! (2) I hope this recent surgery was the one which will…so long as you follow your doctors’ %^&@$&!! orders (*teasing smile*)…resolve those issues and allow you to get back to a normal life. (3) Don’t worry about your fans and getting a new book or twelve out, as the ones who truly care, care more about you getting well, than getting a new Rhys “fix.”

    Cyber-hugs from an old gay fan (80, if he’s a day) in the Midwest.


    p.s. In trying to leave a blank line between paragraphs, when I hit Enter, a grayish line saying “Type / to choose a block” appears, so I have no idea how this will show up, visually, when it posts.

    p.p.s. Aw, what the heck. More cyber-hugs! (Because those are the kind that leave no pain behind, like actual ones might do.)

  3. Dear Rhys,

    so glad to hear that you’re alive!

    Rest up, rest well and get well in however long it takes you. Not sure what had gotten its claws into you but I’m sending positive thoughts your way and wish you a solid recovery.

    I love everything you’ve written so far. I only discovered your work about twelve months ago, but its so danged good that l worked my way through your back catalogue at the speed of light and enjoyed every second.

    Then l recommended your stories to my adult daughter, who is fixated on Paranormal, so she adores Kai Gracen, but l can’t get her to read the Sinners Gin series, no matter how good l tell her it is. Although she had poked around and read a couple of your other Paranormal stories.

    Do not feel in any way pressured to write, however much we, as fans, would love it. However, as someone who’s been an obsessive bookdragon, both reader and writer, all my life, if the muse wanders through your mind (as it always does mine) while you’re resting and recuperating, maybe you could record verbal notes to help satisfy the writerly/artistic side of your soul. I hope, for the sake of you and your muse, that it’s something you’ll feel up to at some stage.

    Best wishes!

    Love from a caring and loyal fan in Australia

    Helen. xoxo

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! And yes, I will be dictating as I heal up. I need to get the sludge in my head moving! xoxo

  4. Deborah Hamelin

    Really happy that you are finally on the road to recovery. It’s been a long hard road for you and while I don’t know you personally I know from what you have shared that you are a strong person. You will do great and maybe someday we will be lucky enough to meet in person at a one of the book fairs. Until then take good care of yourself. A fan Deborah Hamelin

  5. younela

    So very glad to hear it was a little less complicated than prognosed, wishing you a speedy recovery Especially if you obey doctor’s orders!

  6. savethefreebutt

    ,Really hope you feel better soon. You have had a nasty time of it and deserve a good long stretch of pain/operation and ill health free . Get well, rest and be well❤️

  7. Dixie

    yay!! So glad you’re beginning to feel better. Continuing prayers for a speedy recovery!!

  8. Jacqulyn Perry

    So glad you survived and are doing well! I dont remember which email I used… But was hoping for more Kaie Gracen books and you said you had lots of plans, AFTER the surgery. Heres hoping you continue doing well and I will keep crossing all fingers and toes! Leigh

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