Rhys Info

Contact Me

Getting a hold of me is pretty easy. Use the Contact Form below or toddle on down to my local Starbucks. Also, a handful of coffee beans will probably bring me out too.

Drop me a line if you like. I usually try to answer within a day or so, barring drunken fests or deadlines. Use the form below or email me directly at rhysford AT vitaenoir DOT com

About Me

Rhys Ford is an award-winning author with several long-running LGBT+ mystery, thriller, paranormal, and urban fantasy series and is a two-time LAMBDA finalist with her Murder and Mayhem novels. She is published by Dreamspinner Press and DSP Publications.

She’s also quite skeptical about bios without a dash of something personal and really, who doesn’t mention their cats, dog and cars in a bio? She shares the house with Harley, an insane grey tuxedo cat as well as a ginger cairn terrorist named Gus. Rhys is also enslaved to the upkeep a 1979 Pontiac Firebird and enjoys murdering make-believe people.

Her narrators include:
Hailing from the chilly hills of upstate New York, award-winning narrator Greg Tremblay lends his voice to Rhys Ford’s “Kai Gracen” and “Cole McGinnis” series, “Murder and Mayhem” and a number of stand alone works. She is also narrated by Tristan James, a fabulous talent who voices her “Sinners”, “Hellsinger” and “415 Ink” series, and Derrick McClain, a rising, vibrant narrator who voices her “Wayward Wolves” series. In addition, Spencer Goss provides a rich narration for Fish Stick Fridays, the first novel in her Half Moon Bay series.

134 thoughts on “Rhys Info

    1. I just realized that this didn’t go into Reply. I answered it and it logged me as a comment instead. Such a FAIL on my part!

      Thank you! I’m really glad you liked it! Thank you so much!

  1. Patricia Grayson

    am half way through your book “Dirty Kiss” and love it. I hope there’s more
    to come. Thanks. Patricia

    1. Aw, thank you so much! Yes, Cole and Jae will be a series. I’m working on Book Two now. Well, not right right now but later on this afternoon. :::grins::: Hope you enjoy Dirty Kiss! Drop me a line when you’re done! Thank you!

  2. Jessica


    I really, really enjoyed Dirty Kiss. I just loved Cole and Jae-Min. I’m so glad you’re planning on doing more with them; I can’t wait for the next book to come out!


    1. Oh, thank you! Yes, Cole and Jae will be returning to the page shortly. As soon as I finish murdering a few people. :::nods:::

      I’m glad you liked it! Hopefully you’ll like Dirty Secrets, too! :::hugs:::

  3. Patricia

    Did you know Rhys, that one of the best written scenes I loved in “Dirty Kiss” was when Jae-Min was fixing a meal in the kitchen when he first meets Cole? Super !

    1. Heh… thank you! Jae does “cook” in this one… a bit. He’s very food-centric. Like many Asians, the first thing he will ask you is “Have you eaten?” I wanted to portray that as a part of him. It’s a very steeped in mindset for both the Korean and Japanese culture… at the very least… tea.

      You’ll see a bit of that in Dirty Secrets. 😀

  4. Bob Chapman

    I just finished dirty kiss and so logged into your blog to see what’s up next. Great to hear Cole and Jae will be back (hopefully) soon. Good read and interesting characters.

  5. Alexandra

    Ummm..ok, I’m embarrassed that I’m posting on here because I’ve not read anything you’ve written. Heck, I never even knew you existed until I was browsing All Romance and was intrigued w/ Dirty Secret and wanted to check out comments before I bought it. LOL. 🙂

    1. It is all good. *passes you cookies and coffee* I stumble across authors all the time and say… hey, I’m kinda interested. Please, no pressure. Mostly I ramble here. GOD DO I RAMBLE! I also post pictures of pretty boys and dinners. You’re ALWAYS welcome here!

  6. Alexandra

    Ok, cool, thank you! 🙂 Yes, I did browse your blog and love the food! LOL. Ok…I bought your books so am going to read them now….later y’all. 😉

  7. Alexandra

    A couple of things, was your dedication to Harrison Ford the actor or someone else? I just found it funny when I was reading it. LOL. 🙂

    Finished reading the first one and enjoyed it immensely. I sorta had to looked up a couple of words…..LOL…very well written is all. You definitely captured the whole “asian” thing from the relatives to the soup Jae-Min was cooking that first time he and Cole met.

    Honestly, I thought it was the mom, you know. LOL. Anyway, truly a great read and will be reading the 2nd one sometime today.

    Btw, are these the only books you have or do you have more that All Romance doesn’t carry or something?

    1. Aw thank you. And yes, it is to Harrison Ford the actor because really, I think he was so much a part of the whole romance action hero thing for me as a kid and then as an adult, he still kicks ass. Harrison fricking Ford!

      It’s actually harder to write Cole because I am Asian and I have to step out of what I know intimately and look at it from the outside. So much of what Cole does comes from friends’ reactions and how they’ve felt when encountering an Asian cultural disparity. It’s been great to write him. I love having his snark to explore.

      Heh… ah, the killer. It was almost the Mom in the beginning but oh, didn’t it make sense for it to be who it was? *grins*

  8. Glinda

    Ditto; just read Sinner’s Gin in one day; could not put it down.
    Can you give a “guesstimate” as to when Damien’s story will be available?

    1. I actually don’t know yet. It’ll be after Dirty Laundry. I’m working on it right now. W&W requires a bit of maneuvering to get the pair right so… *crosses finger* It’s working right now.

  9. Patricia Grayson

    All I can say is that your novels are in my top tier of well loved stories. I think it’s because you don’t pander.

  10. C "Murf" Murphy

    Just finished Dirty Secret! Awesome!! Actually I bought Dirty Kiss when it came out, then last week bought Dirty Secret and Sinner’s Gin. So I read Sinner’s Gin (which was amazing and can’t wait for more) then read Dirty Kiss again and then Dirty Secret. Amazing! Can hardly wait for Dirty Laundry to come out. I’ll just start them over again! LOL!!
    I read entirely tooo fast! I read all 3 of your books in about 4 days. 😦 They were so good I just couldn’t put them down and stop reading! 🙂
    Keep up the amazing work and congratulations on #1!! You Rock! XOX

    1. Heh. I thought I’d responded to you already! Aish, my fail.

      First, thank you. Very much. I’m working on Whiskey and Wry right now. Dirty Laundry is off in editing land but should be out in April or so.

      I am very glad you liked them. Thank you. So much.

  11. Started with Sinner’s Gin (wonderful!) and ended up reading the McGinnis Series as well.
    I was so pleased (and surprised) to see how you described the Korean and Japanese culture and now I can’t wait until your next book!

    Greetings form Germany~

  12. Cheryl

    I loved Sinners Gin,and the first 2 books in the McGinnis series. How did I miss you before now? I stayed up late to complete them. You are on my automatic buyers list. Thanks for opportunity to read such wonderful books from such a talented writer.

    1. Hello! *waves* Yay I am glad you found the books and you liked them! Heh. I’m fairly new on scene but I hope you will be entertained going forward!

      Thank you again!

  13. Gerri

    Thumbs up. I love your characters and your writing style, you are an awesome storyteller. I’ve read four of your books starting with Sinners Gin. It made me pick up the Cole and Jae series and I read all three in two days. Can’t wait to see what you out out next.

  14. Anna

    I just finished Dirty Laundry. I had purchased it the minute it came out but wanted to re-read the first two books so everything was fresh in my mind. I loved it. Thank you so much for writing good books. And man was it an emotional roller coaster. I’m going to need to take something to calm down. I was happy, sad, shocked, scared, I don’t know how to feel any more! I need to read something boring. I’ll go peruse my law books. Oh and I can’t wait for the next one. Two more right?

    1. Aw, thank you love.

      There will be at LEAST two more books. Neko apparently is saying hello to you because she’s squatting on my laptop. So hello from Neko.

      I am really glad you liked it. Yes, this one was going to be a roller coaster but I knew it was time to press the boys forward. They couldn’t sit in that limbo forever. It was time.

      There will also be Bobby’s book. *grins* So at least three.

      Thank you again. Really. I appreciate it so much.

      1. Bambi

        So that’s my question….just found you read sinners go, then all four cole books….what is the eta for bobbies story……imma go nuts till it comes out!

  15. Anna

    I looooove Bobby. Can’t wait!!!! And pls make sure he wears pink chaps! That image was right up there with the lesbian grandma in fetish wear as far as images I can’t get out of my head go. Classic.

  16. Christine Walker

    Hi! I just finished Dirty Secrets, and loved it! I’m going to start Dirty Laundry now, and am so looking forward to Whiskey and Wry. I’ve got another definite buy author. 😉 Thanks!

  17. Denise

    I’m currently reading Dirty Laundry and I so so love Jae ❤ And I hope to read more on Ichiro.
    Thank you for this lovely series! Looking forward to read Sinner's Gin soon 😀

  18. I just finished reading “Whiskey and Wry” and have fallen in love with the Morgans, and looking forward to the rest of the Sinners series. I loved Sinner’s Gin and the bond between Damien and Miki. I’ve read that this is a 4 book series. Are you planning on resurrecting the remaining 2 band members? If not, will you give Connor his story? He’s marvelous and it would be awesome to read about his journey. If you hadn’t picked up on it, I LOVED this series. Btw, I’ve purchased the Cole McGinnis series as well and can’t wait to start reading. Thanks.

    1. Aw, thank you honey! *grins* Yes, Connor will be next and the last will be with Rafe.

      And I hope you like the follow up books. There will be a novella with Miki and Kane… and probably one with Damie and Miki just for fun. 😀

      Smooches and thank you again!

  19. nowyat

    I am reading “Whiskey And Wry” for like the 30th time. I read “Sinner’s Gin” the first time during an extreme January frost fog, and I spent that day examining amazing crystalized spider web lace works and then going back to your book. Happy birthday. 😉

    1. Thank you for the birthday wishes! And oh GOD I LOVE staring at spider webs. So gorgeous. Aren’t they?

      I am so pleased you like W&W. Ah the boys are so much fun. Thank you!

  20. Cindy Parent

    I donated. The Gorillaz are interesting. I read carefully. You website almost crashed me, and it slowed down my internet too…

  21. devony31

    Okay totally random thought…but there are tons of stories with cops out yes? But I can’t think of any off hand about mounted police. I mean you have men in uniforms riding around cities & such on horseback & that is pretty sexy….I mean it’s men in uniform with a dash of cowboy! *blinks*
    See I told ya it was random 😉 lol
    Was listening to the radio this morning & they were talking about mounted police in L.A. & I was just huh why not?
    Now I have to search & see if I can find any!

      1. Devony

        Oh Rhys!…so I tripped across a simply gorgeous model & let me say I was surprised because I have really never been a fan of face fur *squinches face* but omg this guy only does the full on beard & wild hair & I am in awe(ok yes lust) because he is just freakin’ beautiful lol
        Look up Spyros Christopolous ;)…whatcha think? 😀

      1. Quick!…I sooo need a reminder that change can be good ><
        We just got notice we are gonna have to find a new place by the end of June.
        …me & Change have a whole thing going on in the midst. After the dust has settled I am just peachy…during not so much!*tries not to hypervenilate*

  22. Devony

    Tell me about it! Pretty green eyes at least I think they are green & sooo intense!
    Yeah the facial hair…I no like, but some how it works on him? I think I have only found 1 pic of him with barely a beard. It gives a nice view of his lips 😀

  23. steelergrrl43

    Love the series! Started with Sinners Gin and strolled into the Dirty series after that. Still can’t decide who is my favorite but I do love some rocker boys.

  24. Chantal Donnelly

    Just finished Tequila Mockingbird and absolutely loved it! But holy crap I can’t wait for Rafe and Quinns story.

  25. Lubna (MissBoss)

    Hey Rhys,
    I was searching online for a LGBT book which include ‘secret’ in its title and wined up finding ‘Dirty Secret’. After I’ve purchased it I found the dedication/thanking part and my eyes literally bulged out when seeing JYJ, Bigbang, and G-dragon. Now I haven’t read a line of it yet since I decided to find and stalk you first, but I have a feeling it’s going to be worth my time. Since well, I love those kpopers from the bottom of my heart.
    So yeah, I was wondering if you write more fictions where you use Bigbang as main characters. Or if you have a fanfiction website I can go to. It’s been a while since I read any FF and it would be great if I read something by you.

    1. Ah I haven’t written fan fiction in a while. I don’t even know what’s out there anymore. 😀 but I do still keep up with the fandom and the music. ‘Cause you know… GD! Heh. I am glad you found the book! That is so cool! *cheers* I hope you like it! Truly. It was a great adventure to write.

  26. Patricia

    Happened to see this. With the passing of Leonard Nimoy, don’t we owe a salute to the Spock character in the world of Fan Fic? Wasn’t it Spock and Kirk who inspired the earliest Fan Fics?
    And “Dirty Secret” is one of my favorites by you.

  27. Just wanted to let you know that I have everything you have written that I could find on Amazon. Love them all. I also have some in audiobook as well. I need some incentive to actually do housework.

  28. Stephanie Valentine-Ocasio

    I just finish up Cole McGinnis series and I can tell you that I absolutey love it!! Now I am looking up all your other books and it looks like I am going to be buying more soon!! ;-}

    1. Aw, thank you so much. I am so glad you liked the books! Cole and Jae are such a delight to write. I have so much fun. I hope you were entertained! *hugs*

  29. Emily

    I’ve just finished reading your new book Murder and Mayhem and I couldn’t put it down it was so good! I was just wondering if you currently have any plans for there to be more books in the series and if so would they continue Rook and Dante’s story or follow others? Thanks!

    1. Hi hi! And THANK YOU! *hugs* I am so glad you liked Rook and Dante. Ah, they will be the main couple for the series. *nods* Soooo much I can do with them. And they’re great fun to write.

      Thank you again!

  30. Mary

    I just finished Murder nd Mayhem, you have another winning series! I do have one question though did I miss Alex and James’s story?

  31. Sarah

    i have very much enjoyed all of your books. Thank you. Do you know if/when Fish Stick Fridays will be out as an audio book?

  32. Becky

    I do like your Cole McGinnis series, but I LOVE the Sinners series. Forest and Conner are so sweet! And who wouldn’t love the little hedgehog named Miki?! Are you going to write any short stories for them in the future? Please????

    1. Um… I’d rather write the last two books. *grins* Well, one more book. I’ve already written the next one *grins more*

      I love the Sinners boys too. THey are great fun to write!

  33. Dawn Zeleznik

    Just wanted to let you know, I read Mad Lizard Mambo the day DSP released it, and I absolutely loved it. So much so that I am already lurking on your site for news of when the next Kai book may be out.

  34. Kelly

    HI there,

    I have recently found your books and love love what I have read so far. I am wondering is there or will there be any more Hellsinger Books…I am in love.

    1. Yes, there will be. The next one is called “Send In The Ghosts” and will be set in an abandoned clown school *grins*

      And thank you. Truly. So so much. *hugs*

  35. Phillip Montemayor

    OK, I know I’ve been derelict in my fanboy duties but here goes — Thank you once again for Kai and no I won’t gush but dayammmnnn — I think I purposely drug out the audio book to a 2 1/2 day listen — where I would drop back a few chapters between breaks in listening for like oh work…. 😉 in this way I would tell myself that I was not missing any details of the story line..
    and please tell me we may see more of “Cricket” 😉

    Also not to play any favorites but I had purchased “Absinthe of Malice” before “Mad Lizard Mambo” and, I solemnly swear on a bag of “Seattle’s Best Coffee” that I did a back to back listen on Absinthe of Malice.

    After I finished Absinthe of Malice and had decided to run a search on Audible for “Rhys”, was looking to see if the Hellsinger #3 had come out is when I saw “Mad Lizard Mambo”, had to make a decision on finances but who am I kidding… 😉

    With story-tellers like You, Charlie Cochet, Jordan L. Hawk, Josh Lanyon and a whole Greek Chorus of other like you I may have to get a real job…

    And if I feel the need every now and then to drift into a warm haze of Pan-Asian culture I find myself listening to Cole and Jae-min while I make Chicken Adobo and rice for dinner.
    Thanks again for your work and your world….


    1. Aw, thank you so much, love. Truly. And I will pass on your kind words to Greg and Tristan, with whom I am ever so blessed to have put voice to my words. I love writing Kai and ah, we’ll see about Cricket 😀

      Heh. we made adobo the other night! Thank you again. I am so ever grateful for your support. *hugs*

  36. Alison

    Reading the blog story for Tramps and Thieves, makes me want to re-read the story where Alex and James met. Have you posted that as a story as I can’t seem to find it. I can’t wait to read this story.

    1. Alex and James’ story can be found in the Grand Adventures anthology put out by Dreamspinner Press. 😀 They are in a story called Cops and Comix. xoxo

  37. Mirajane

    Hi, Rhys Ford. First of all, I apologize for my English, I’m French.

    I wanted to tell you that I don’t read many lgbt novels because I don’t like how it’s written. But you’re a really good writer and I like every single one of your books. Thank you. Thank you.

    My favorite couples are Rook and Montoya and Connor and Forest.

    I think it’s a real shame that all your books aren’t translated into French. So I can’t get to know your fantastic stories. I have to look at your books without being able to read them.
    I’m so sad.

    1. Merci beaucoup de m’avoir écrit! Je suis tellement reconnaissante envers les lecteurs français et j’apprécie votre soutien! Ils travaillent lentement sur la traduction de plus de livres, donc j’espère que vous en aurez plus à lire un peu. J’ai tellement hâte de revenir au Salon du Livre et j’espère vous y voir!
      Beaucoup d’affection!

      1. Mirajane

        Oh thank you for answering and in French. It’s perfect! I also use Google, actually haha.

        I’m looking forward to reading your books, I’ve got all of them translated.

        I also hope to see you soon at our place. Thanks again.
        It’s so great to be able to talk directly to a writer I like.

        Ps : I haven’t read the last volume of Sinners yet because it is not yet translated. And I know it wouldn’t have been very realistic, but I would have loved to be back with the Morgan family with Braeden. 🤭 Hihi.

        Anyway, I’m very happy.

    2. Ah, sadly Braeden is not gay but you will see him every once in a while! 😀 I think the Sin and Tonic is being translated soon so… SOON! *hugs* Thank you again… and much much love!

      1. Oratile

        Hi Rhys,

        I love your books. I was wondering if Rook and Dante’s story is going to continue. I am so very curious about what comes next and I really want to meet Dante’s mother.

    1. oratile thebe

      Hi Rhys,

      I find myself holding my breath whenever I go searching for new books wondering if I will run into the next murder and mayhem book. In order to safe my poor strained and oxygen deprived brain cells I thought it best to ask. When should I start looking out for the next Took and Dante book? 😁

      1. Oratile

        Hi Rhys,

        I don’t mean to be a nag, I’m just following up to see if you still plan to release another murder and mayhem book or if you have discontinued that series.

        I just need to know if I should stop waiting for it because its a bit of a strain and disappointment to keep searching for it with not even a word about it.

        Is it possible to finish off the series? Because this is why I hate cliff hangers when the next book isn’t available yet. The series, the story is incomplete and it drains the joy out of even rereading the books because no matter how many times I do, it’s never going to be finished.

        Please, I just need to know one way or the other. It has been years. Please put me out of misery.

        I look forward to hearing from you.

        Kind regards,

  38. Lo

    Sorry if this has already been asked and answered, but will there be another 415 Ink book? I really want Bear to get the happy ending he deserves. Thanks!

  39. Carol

    Love your books! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy you brought back Cole & Jae….I love Cole especially. I know, I know, it’s been awhile since you started the Investigations series, I’m a bit behind. Keep writing! I also am looking forward to Dante & Rook’s next book. But my real favorites have been Dirty & Sinners. Hey! Hows that for a new series?

  40. Oratile

    Hi Rhys,

    It sounds like you have been through a lot in a short span of time and I’m truly sorry to hear that.

    My condolences on the death of your brother and sister. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to lose mine, even as they are pains in my neck (aren’t we supposed to grow out of that at some point?)

    As to the medicine, pills and needles, I suppose everyone needs a hobby and far be it for me to begrudge you one. However, that sounds like quite the blood letting… your doctor’s might be vampires, have you checked?

    I will also support you in getting a new hobby, have you ever considered competitive duck herding or metal detecting? They would get you outside more.

    Of course, I am all for murdering people. That is also a perfectly acceptable hobby, if you do it right. 😉

    I look forward to hearing which way you go.

    I wish you all the best with everything ❤️

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