Saranghae-yo, Neko-chan

237057671_5f91f94d4a_oI am sorry to tell you all that today was the day we said goodbye and forever loves to Neko.

Most of you see Yoshi, the cat I use as my avatar but many of you have gotten to know Neko through the Cole McGinnis Mysteries. Jae’s Neko was based off of a wee little black cat we found at a shelter one day. She was sickly, which we found out later, and once her respiratory problems were driven back by antibiotics and exorcism rituals, we discovered we’d somehow brought home a six pound ball of atttiude and terror.

She was the ultimate cat…who was named… Cat. She was imperious, entitled and oddly maternal, caring for nearly every single one of the older animals around her and sadly, because our furry Buick named Tam can’t get off his arse to groom himself, she took it upon herself to take care of him as well.

Neko entered into this world with a clear vision of what was hers and what she required in life. What was hers was hers and what was someone else’s was hers if it looked even remotely more interesting or comfortable than what she already had. I have a picture (which I will share) of her screaming at me because her brother Tam is taking up the ONE spot on a queen sized bed…the ONE SPOT she felt she deserved. She was staunce believer in Truth, Justice and the Neko Way and defended anyone’s right to paying her homage.3852556982_dc224c1a37_o

Aloof, a bit shy and disdainful, she would periodically turn us into liars and love someone up a storm right after we told them she wasn’t fond of people she didn’t know. In her later years, she gained a minion, my blond cairn, and took his worship of her as her due.

Unfortunately, even the greatest furry despot cannot win over Death. Neko entered into her battle with cancer a few weeks ago and the time came when it would have been cruel to let her suffer with her increasing pain. Today was a good day.

No matter what, we have to remember that today was a good day. She nibbled on ham and fried chicken, basked in sunbeams and had hours of cuddling and affection. The room where she would say goodbye to us was filled with sunshine and she was surrounded by people who loved her and held her as she slipped off to another world to conquer.

957678270_5ac88d8001_oNeko will live on in Cole and Jae’s home. She will rule that roost forever and I am grateful you all are here with me to share in her antics and her rare affection. Thank you for being here with me as I say goodbye to a very old friend but one I know I will see again.

So long as I bring her a packet of salmon. Or tuna and cheese because you know, love is all well and good but true friends bring tasty tasty salmon.

116 thoughts on “Saranghae-yo, Neko-chan

  1. Dorene

    My heart goes out to you, Rhys. I understand all too well about the heart wrenching decision you had to make. Many hugs to you.

  2. Kel

    I’m sorry for the loss and I hope she’s up in kitty heaven, terrorizing everyone up there. Much love to you and everyone in the household. ❤ Even though she was a queen, she was a much loved cat.

  3. Skyla Dawn Cameron

    I am terribly sorry for your loss. (No other words or platitudes, I just know it’s awful and it sucks and I’m sorry.)

  4. Dee Ash

    That’s the happiest saddest thing I’ve read. My condolences but it sounds like you’re dealing well. So cheers instead and here’s to Neko.

  5. Lou

    Hugs to you, Rhys. My heart aches for your loss, but smiles as you celebrate the memory of Neko’s life.

  6. Sadonna

    Sad day indeed 😦 So glad she will live in perpetuity with Jae and Cole. Hugs to you and yours missing your baby tonight.

  7. So sorry, Rhys. I’m crying for you. We’re losing our 17 year old tabby and I can’t imagine life without him. I will take heart that the day will be a good one, as you have. Big hugs.

  8. Carolyn

    Thank you for sharing Neko with us. I wish you didn’t have to be apart. *HUGS*

  9. Oh, sweetie, I’m crying here for your loss. Neko was amazing and thank you for sharing her with us through your posts and Cole and Jae’s books. I’m glad it was a good day. I will remember her forever, especially after seeing the photo of her screaming at you. I love you and I’m here.

  10. Claire McGuire

    So sorry to hear of your loss Rhys. For such tiny little critters they sure take up a lot of room in our hearts. ❤

  11. Damn. It’s hard to let go of a furry friend. Hugs. I’m sorry but she will run around terrorizing others in his next life pain free, we hope.

  12. Ruth

    God blessed you with a great gift sadly it was temporary. Remember the love because she lives on in your heart

  13. Amy Darling

    I’m so sorry. Sounds like you did all you could for her and gave her a day fitting of a queen. It’s hard losing a beloved fur baby. Hugs

    Ps cancer is a bitch

  14. Mary Sebers

    I Truly know how you feel. Safe journey Ms. Neko. With your Mama, I grieve your passing.

  15. Thank you for letting us all get to know your Neko. I love her like I love my own (two, black!) fur babies. She will always be in your heart and will be waiting to terrorize you again. Black cats are the best cats, with the best hearts–even as they try to kill everyone around them. Big hugs to you.

  16. My Velcro is in the long (hopefully) journey of lymphoma. Aside from the weight loss, so far she’s symptom free, but I know that could change any minute. How wonderful for Neko that you were able to recognize when it was time – I dread that moment so much, I can’t even imagine. Unlike Neko, Velcro seems unsure of her status as a cat (though she’s the most cat-like of my 3). She seems to think she’s a sort of feline-human hybrid. Neko would have either loved her to death or… not, lol.

    Thank you for sharing Neko w us – she was a scene stealer in every Cole & Jae book, and she’ll live forever in the hearts of all of us who read *her* stories.

    And the screaming picture? Epic!

    1. I wish her cancer had been something she could have won but it moved so quickly through her. Hard to believe it was only a matter of weeks.

      And oh yes, she periodically told us exactly what she thought of the world.

  17. Joanne

    Aww Neko. Aka cat. I’m sorry for your loss. What a wonderful write up about her. She will live on for me as I periodically (often) re-listen to the series. I love Neko, and I love the way you write about her (and Dude too, of course) in your stories.

  18. *Hugs* Damn…that sucks☹ But I am glad she is not hurting any more.
    Hmmm petting my Meggy who has been happily purring as I read this.
    …crying now & feeling silly too because as you shared…it was a good day.

  19. I’m so sorry she has gone but how lucky you were to have had her in your life. She sounds like the very definition of ‘cat’. She chose her minions well 🙂 Sleep well Neko xx

  20. Stan Errington

    So very very sorry. I can only imagine how you’re feeling. I lost my beloved Maine Coon last year after 22 years and was devestated. Sending you good thoughts and lots of love and hugs xoxoxoxox

  21. So sorry, such a sad loss, it doesn’t get easier to say goodbye to those we love does it! But thank you for sharing her with us, she will be missed by thousands but thanks to Neko, will live on in all of our hearts for ever 💜

  22. younela

    Raise a glass ( or, you know, a prime piece of salmon fillet) to a much loved fur dictator. Just think of the hell she’ll raise on the other side! Hugs to you. On this side.

  23. isisrising4sandra

    I’m so sorry, I know how difficult it can be to lose a cherished family member. I will forever remember her whenever I read and re-read any of the Cole McGinnis series and I send out love and *hugs* to your other four-footed family as well as yourself.

    – Sandra

  24. Venecia

    This made me smile and cry. So sorry for your loss Rhys, but also so glad you had her love in your life. You were both very lucky.

  25. Val

    Blessed be her way to the land of giant litter boxes. Fresh tasties. And adorning subjests

  26. Sue Kesby

    My sister and I send our deepest sympathy, Rhys, and our love. They leave such a hole in our lives, these little despots, but give us so much . Thank you for sharing her life with us and immortalising her in Cole and Jae’s story.

    My sister says of little Neko, “koski matchka! Rinkeni matchka!” – which I believe expresses her admiration!

    Sue K.

  27. Barbara Arrowood

    I’m am so sorry for your loss. My heart hurts for you! I have my own wee furry beasties that I dearly love. I said goodbye to my Miss Kitty a year ago.

  28. waxapplelover

    Loved your post celebrating Neko’s life and personality. So sorry for your loss.

  29. Patricia

    She was a holy terror and you will see her. Neko lives forever in my mind with Cole and Jae.

  30. Cappa

    So sorry to hear this. Thank you for loving her in the hardest way possible by letting her go with compassion. You gave her a wondeful legacy with Jae and Cole.

    Hugs and condolences.

  31. B. Snow

    And I meant to say here yesterday — that is the most hilarious picture! The yowling complaint, Tam looking comfy but with eyes open because he knows there could be repercussions for being in that one particular spot….. 🙂

    1. And Tam is such a mellow cat. Seriously, there’s barely anything that ruffles him. But there’s Neko…. Screaming Her Fool Head Off because he is in that ONE SPOT! THAT ONE SPOT! HER SPOT!

  32. Renee

    I am so sorry for your loss. Animals, cats in particular are so wonderful to have and so hard to let go.

  33. lissamrb

    So sad for you. Saying goodbye to a beloved family member is never easy. Getting up now to snuggle with my beautiful sable Burmese kitty with tears in my eye because I totally know how awful your loss is! Hugs and comfort to you.

  34. Brenda

    I hold it true, whate’er befall;
    I feel it when I sorrow most;
    ‘Tis better to have loved and lost
    Than never to have loved at all.

    RIP Neko.

  35. jenf27

    What a lovely post for Neko. Thank you for sharing it and the wonderful pics. I hope your other 4-legged companions are providing comfort. My sympathies go to you. It is difficult to let them go with compassion.

  36. HUGS!!!
    I share your pain and your love. I’ve had many cats over my life and I have loved and lost some wonderful friends. I hope someday to be reunited with them all. If I get only that, I will be truly a happy camper.

    Sorry for your loss.

  37. Echo

    My heart aches with you. Our pets have a special spirit. We are uniquely blessed when our spirits connect with theirs.

  38. Tasty salmon truly is the path to enlightenment…and kitty love. Hugs and cheers to you, friend. See you in my books, Neko!

  39. Marilyn Adam

    As a cat lover who has lost one of my own in the past, you have my sympathy. I will think of Neko every time I re-read one of Cole’s books. Hugs.

  40. Being a servant of cats myself, all I can say is they make life very interesting and I love them. It is so hard to lose them, especially when they are a day-in, day-out companion. I am so sorry for your loss of Neko. Loved her screaming pix. I had a cat who was jealous like that.

  41. Anya

    I am so sorry. I laughed and cried as I read your homage to her. She would have been proud… I think. *Hugs*

  42. Brego

    As an person owned by cats (seven over my lifetime), it is hard to be the steward when the time comes. It is a good day to have all the things you enjoy and love surrounding you, as Neko did. The call of Neko to you — what a great story!
    Ancient proverb says “You will always be lucky if you know how to makes friends with strange cats.” I think we’re lucky that the cats stick around. Much love to you and the furry ones.

  43. Elorie

    So very sorry to hear of your loss. It is hard to let them go. I always swear I will not until the last possible second, selfish person that that I am, but when moment comes, I find a shred of strength and do as I always do, what is best for them. As you did. As long as you and all of us remember, she will always live

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