Countdown! Whiskey and Wry!


This is it! ONE DAY LEFT!

And actually for those that are on the East Coast,
I hear rumours that it actually rolls out a bit early.
If it does, woooooot!

There’s a Giveaway and an interview with Damie and Miki at Life Your Life, Buy the Book.

The follow up interview with Sionn and Kane will be at Babes in Boyland! Soooooon.

And there are other interviews and Giveaways to follow!

AND the paperback is already up on Amazon! *does happy dance* Now to convince them to connect it to my Author Page. That takes a couple of days.


6 thoughts on “Countdown! Whiskey and Wry!

  1. Sadonna

    My paperback better be in my mailbox when I get home from work tomorrow 😛 DSP said it was mailed on the 14th 🙂

  2. Brenda Hall

    When will it be released in e-book format? Our “next-day” service is about 2 or 3 days. E-books are so much faster.

    1. The official release date is August 19th! Tomorrow US time. If people preordered the dead tree version, they were being shipped out early to arrive on the 19th if possible. Or so it looks. 😀 Ebooks will be up at supposedly midnight tonight EST. So, if you’re anywhere on the West Coast, maybe look at 9 pm? It all depends on the servers!

  3. Ahhhhh….wish I had tomorrow off work to read this. Looking forward to it when I get home. Might just stay up until midnight for the download to do a quick peek 🙂

    Nice interview…really appreciate authors who do stuff like this for their fans.

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