Rhys Ford’s Audiobook Giveaway…

teddy-audio-bookDo you like audiobooks? DO YOU EVEN AUDIO?

Okay, stepping back from the speakers there.

Here’s the thing.

I write a book. Two LOVELY guys named Greg and Tristan turn my hacked and knitted together sentences into such lovely audiobooks.

Now, the nice people at Audible give me a few codes for free books when one of mine hits their inventory.

AND I’m offering TWO of YOU the chance to win a code for a single audiobook.

It doesn’t even have to be MY audiobook… if you know, you’ve already danced all the waltzes with Greg and Tristan.

The catch? You have to leave a comment here about your favourite toy when you were a kid.

CONTEST Ends Monday October 13th at sometime in the morning whenever I wake up in Indianapolis. But it’ll be early. Winners announced then. I’ll even set a reminder.

147 thoughts on “Rhys Ford’s Audiobook Giveaway…

  1. Why yes. I DO Audio. My favorite childhood toy was this big white tiger about the same size as I was. I think I had that tiger on my bed ’til I was like 16 or so. He kinda fell apart 😦

  2. Bonnie Herbert

    I have danced all their dances. And they were wonderful. I listen to them over and over. As soon as your next one is out I’ll get that too. 😘

    1. Bonnie Herbert

      I forgot to tell you my fav toy was a doll with dark brown hair that I named Linda – after my favorite Aunt.

  3. Kyra

    Yes I Audio!! Waiting for Tequila Mockingbird to hit audio. Favorite toy as a kid, my bicycle.

  4. My favorite toy when I was a child was my brothers stretch Armstrong. The thing was filled with some kind of jelly, was very heavy. It was almost impossible to stretch it when it was cold but get that sucker warm, you could stretch the thing for miles it seemed. My brother decided stretch need an operation! He dead on the operating table! I was crushed!

  5. Jinai

    Yessss. I love audio books! Tristan with his rumble accented voice and Greg with his Asian accent transport me every time. It was my record player that I was playing all the time-now it’s called an MP3. 🙂

  6. Amanda

    Yes I Audio!! My favorite toy when I was a child was a blue dog/lamb I called Nuggie. I still have him ( he sits on shelf above my bed), and he was beside me when each of my children were born. He’s a bit old and worn,now but filled with love and memories.

  7. Fay

    I love listening to audiobooks while I work. My favorite toy as a child was a doll I named Joel. He was so cute. I use to cook little cakes for him using my Easy Bake Oven. 🙂

  8. Ok so I had this stuffed dog my aunt won from a carnival when I was like 2. I named him Puppy and I may or may not have snuggled with him every night until my late 20s….

  9. Vicki Thompson

    I’ve listened to all of yours but wouldn’t turn down a credit to save for the next one! My favorite toy as a kid was a Breyer horse I named Strawberry. I got her for Christmas along with a Barbie that came with strawberry perfume of some sort, that I used in the horse! Two of her legs broke and she wouldn’t stand up any more so a kid at school broke the other two legs so she’d at least stand up…. I think she’s in a box in my basement somewhere, 35 years later!

  10. Shannon Barney

    My favorite was always my Carebear who I wouldn’t let go of even when I went in for surgery so the nurses made a name bracket for it!

  11. Desiree

    My favorite toy as a kid was my teddy bear named taffy. I still sleep with him today making my husband irationally jealous. Also my children steal him when they have nightmares.

  12. I just downloaded Audible this past weekend and haven’t gotten to purchase my first one yet. I’m looking forward to listening to books. Think it would make work go by faster? LOL. I can just imagine the raised eyebrows now. Hum.. my favorite toy. Barbies and Ken? Yeah, my mind was even in the gutter early on. 😉 The only other thing I can even think of would have been my stereo – cassette, 8 track and record player.

  13. Cathy R

    my favorite toy was a Chatty Cathy doll. I named her Ruthie and made her clothes.

  14. waxapplelover

    i have a 45 minute one-way commute to work, so i try to listen to audiobooks during that time. i would love a chance to get a free book!

    my favorite toy as a child was a stuffed snoopy. i pretty much still love all the peanuts gang and try to watch the holiday specials when they air; starting from the great pumpkin to the saddest little christmas tree. i still have the snoopy, of course, but he’s a little worse for wear having survived through teething and various accidents.

  15. I do love audio books… in fact I have all of your audio books. Most of which I have listened to a million times 🙂 ok not a million…
    Favorite toy, huh… I was a big Barbie girl… I liked to plan their live stories, build them house, pick out ther wardrobe… and lots of my barbies had, um, untraditional hair styles… (maybe why I became a hair stylist :))

  16. Sharon Cox

    Listen to audiobooks whenever I drive longer distances. I own about 10 now and i will be getting more.
    My favourite toy when a child was my crockery tea set. I liked hosting tea parties with my dolls.

  17. GlendaDekruif

    My favorite toy was this giant rag doll that had elastic bands on its feet that you could slip over your shoes and dance with. Man I loved that doll!

  18. LisaM

    I loved my wooden buzzy bee so much I have it tattooed on my back 🙂 It’s a bit of a Kiwi icon, most kids here have one (the toy, not the tattoo LOL)

  19. cchemme

    I was (and still am) a horse person, so my favorite toys as a little girl were my model horses. I had a gazillion Breyer horses…many different breeds and colors in various poses. breyerhorses.com. 🐴🏇

  20. Lisa G

    I have never audio’d but my sister swears she gets so much more done when she is plugged into a book. I have read amazing things about Greg & Tristan’s narration that I would love to start with one of yours. One of my favorite toys growing up was my Lite Bright set – would spend hours plugging the pegs to make pictures.

  21. Marcine

    My favorite toy was a small stuffed puppy that had soft ears and tail. I took it everywhere. I kept it by my bed as I got older. Then I came home from college one weekend and my mother had thrown it away because “it was ratty!” I was heartbroken.

  22. Leisa

    My favorite toy was a small metal doll house with a little plastic family – a mom, dad, little girl and baby. I spent endless hours playing “house.” After my mother’s death 2 years ago, I was helping my sisters clean her home in preparation to sell, and I found the tiny plastic baby from my doll house tucked in Mom’s sewing box for safe keeping.

  23. Lois B

    I think it is a toss between my easy bake oven and my barbie, unless you count all the books!

  24. Nic Starr

    My favourite toy was a doll called Rebecca. Rebecca lived with my grandparents and I only saw her when we visited so those trips were always met with great excitement.

  25. June M.

    My favorite toy was a carebear, in particular Tenderheart Bear. I wanted one for my birthday when they originally came out in the 80’s, that particular one and my bday is just 5 days before Christmas. I don’t know how hard it was for my parents to find that bear, but they got him for me! And a little over 30 years later, I still have that one, although I have gotten rid of my others throughout the years.

  26. Ardent Ereader

    I am a member of audible and I just finished listening to whisky and rye…awesome! My favorite toy as a child was a small plush pink rabbit, by the time I outgrew her it didnt really resemble a rabbit anymore, worn out by love I can only imagine.

  27. Kim W

    i had this really great stuffed cat when I was little. It went missing in a move though.

  28. Jason

    I still have my first and favorite stuffed panda bear in my bedroom, 42 years old we are.

  29. I have listened to several audio books some are really great others kinda go a little snail paced lol but they are great in the car on long journeys if like me you cant read even in the passenger seat (I get really car sick if I try) Hmm my favourite toy as a child? That would have to be my Sindy dolls (they were a bit like Barbie only not as thin lol) Don’t know if they got state side or if Barbie only kinda ruled over there.

  30. chrysalis1975

    My favourite toy was & still is my doll (I named her Marie), when I received her for Christmas at 4 years old. She is plastic, with a painted smile, and so sweet!!! I still have her over 35 years later…

  31. kp

    I haven’t listened to an audio book yet but have been wanting to try it! I was that quiet kid who always had a book with her as a kid…some things never change!

  32. debby236

    I love Audio. My favorite was a teddy bear that I still have. It was given to me by my father right after he and my mother split.

  33. Francie

    I listen to audiobooks everyday while I walk….I have all of yours!
    My favorite toy was my Easy Bake!

  34. Renee

    I love Audio – makes my long commute to work much better – have all the Dirty Series and working on Sinner’s Gin. My favorite toy – I had a stuffed bunny that I carried around for years. He was orange and white and I just adored him. Also had lots of tractors and cars – raised on a farm, I was a real tomboy. Dolls were not for me!

  35. Beth

    I love audio books. I have all of your books in Audio. I LOVED Barbies when I was growing up and played with them all the time.

  36. Jen C.

    I love audio books!!! Keeps me sane driving in traffic. My favorite childhood toys were my Star Wars action figures.

  37. Michael T.

    My favorite childhood toy was a matchbox set of cool cars with a storage case that turned into a garage. Those matchbox cars got a lot of play on rainy days and was a favorite with all my friends. Great memories.

  38. skinmaan

    Who didn’t love the Atari 2600? I still have mine and it works; I pull it out whenever I want to relive 5 minutes of childhood.

  39. Ivy

    I absolutely love audio books. My favourite toy growing up was my Etch A Sketch, it’s portable and allows you to draw without pencils etc…It was awesome. It was square, red and had these two knobs one created vertical lines and one horizontal lines at the bottom. The screen was grey and when you turned the knobs lines appeared and you could create whatever you wanted. It gave me hours of fun and when you were done, all you had to do was shake it and start again. This was the ’70’s. They still sell it today on Amazon…crazy!!!

  40. RhoMelie

    When I read your post the toy that first came to mind was my Easy Bake oven.

    I audio some and it’s usually books I’ve already read and want to read again, so favorite books. I mostly audio while making the 5-hour drive to visit my family. I must say that I have been disappointed a lot. However, I did the audios for Sinner’s Gin and Whiskey and Wry and I loved those. Tristan James did well by those books. My next trip home will be with Cole and Jae. I’ve really like the sound bites you’ve shared from Greg.

  41. farmwifetwo

    I had a pink teddy bear I slept with every night and it even went to Univ. It fell against the electric heater in the camper one Thanksgiving and had a lovely brown spot on it’s fur. We were very lucky, that was all that happened.

    I keep checking when Tequila Mockingbird is coming out in audio. I still need the middle 2 of the Dirty audios.

  42. I’ve never had an audio. But, if I did, it would be one of yours. My favorite toy was a 3-foot tall doll named Mary. She wore size 6x girl clothes.

  43. Otila

    I listen to audio books in my car since I have a long commute to work. Mostly of books I’ve already read. I’d love to listen to Sinner’s Gin. My favorite toy as a kid was my Rainbow Brite doll.

  44. Hi, I had a toy rabbit with a knitted dolls shape body but a rabbits fabric fur head it was made by one of the many ladies at my grandmothers WI and I just fell in love with and became pretty inseparable from it when my grandmother gave it to me. It was bit of an odd looking thing and it had a tendency to stick to the brick fireplace (where my older brothers stuck it) or it became kidnapped and held for ransom (by the very same older brothers again). My grandmother had to make a new covering for it eventually, due to all its exploits, and thus it became less sticky so my dear brothers had to find other ways to amuse themselves as my mother (as well as my feisty petite grandmother, who they were afraid to cross even though they were taller than her) was onto them… 😀

    I do have a tiny audio collection so thank you for a chance to another one to my collection.

  45. Elorie

    I am too old to have very many memories of childhood toys but I was a girly little girl, as hard as it may be for those who know me to believe. But the one toy I remember best wasn’t a doll but a rocking horse. I was really young( about two)( I still cant believe I well I remember him) and I rode that sucker until he fell apart. I think it was where I started to develop my imagination because we had the most terrific adventures. He didn’t even have a name, he was just horse but he was the best friend I ever had, he never left me, he rescued me and we had the greatest time. I was so sad when I outgrew him. (I really rode him past it being safe. lol)

  46. pattiannie

    I’ve never done audio, but from M/m reading groups, I hear your narrators are among the best. My favorite toy was a Tiny Tears doll. Seriously, if you filled her tummy with water and squeezed her, she cried real tears. Also, a bottle with soapy solution made her blow bubble. She had hard, painted on hair– I’m that old! :). She was ugly and messy and I loved her with all my heart!

  47. Jillian T

    I LOVE audiobooks but I’m incredibly picky about the narrators. I won’t buy a book if I don’t love the voice of the speaker or if it doesn’t match my imagination of how the characters would sound. I know they tend to be more expensive than ebooks but they are often worth it.
    My favorite toy was a hot pink Skip-it. I had so much fun and never wanted to stop playing.

  48. Barbra

    I’ve never listened to an audio book but plan on signing up with Audible soon.
    My favorite doll was a Baby Tender Love and my favorite toy was a Super Spirograph-I still have it but a few pieces are missing. 🙂

  49. V.

    I was obsessed with Connect Four. I had two sets – duplicate gifts one year – and played with anyone who sat still long enough. I took both set with me when we went to visit relatives so I could set up a Connect Four challenge. I still have those games but now they are in my classroom. On rainy days my students compete to see who is the Connect Four Champion.

  50. Denise Dechene

    My favorite toy growing up is a stuffed rabbit given to me by my grandmother. If Mickey could talk he would have a lot of secrets to share. A more popular toy people may identify with is Lite Bright. I loved to try to make pictures that lit up

  51. Michelle Seymour

    My favorite toy growing up had to be my Strawberry Shortcake. I listen to your book all the time. I am waiting for TM and Duck Duck Ghost. I am forever checking for any word of their arrival. Thank you so much for writing stories and characters to get lost in and with.

  52. Ree Dee

    My Favorite toy as I was growing up was a long legged long haired purple stuffed dog named “Charlie”. I of course left him at my parents’ home when I went to college. When I went back for Christmas, my younger cousins had convinced my mom that since I left him home, I must not have wanted him so they took him. When I saw him, his tail had been pulled of and he had bald spots all over! I was so sad! I still hold it over their heads to this day!

  53. secretobcession1

    Favorite toy as a child? Hands down…Barbie & Ken dolls. I had a friend who had very accessory a Barbie could hope for…so we would gather our dolls & stuff and play for hours & hours. Oh to have those dolls back now…we’re talking the 60’s Barbie, Midge, Skipper, Ken, etc.

  54. Carolyn

    I have listened to audiobooks before, but it’s a very small percentage of my book reading. I’ve been toying around with getting an audible account because I’ve seen so many great recs lately.

    Speaking of toying around (why, yes, I am stupidly proud of that segue ), my favorite doll was April, who was probably my size at some point in my childhood (~3 ft). She and I played together all the time. She enjoyed when I would braid her yellow yarn hair, and I especially enjoyed putting things in her apron pockets. Sometimes those things were slices of cheese that I would not share with her. I’m sure she’s still holding a grudge about that, since everyone knows cheese makes everything better. (Sorry, lactose intolerant friends, it so does.)

  55. Linda Ketcham

    Awesome. I don’t have F&G yet in audible. I do data entry, so go through lots of audio books and music.
    Don’t know if you could consider it a toy, but loved my piano. Other than that, either my bike or my etch-a-sketch.

  56. PatB

    I’ve been an Audible customer since 2003. My commute now is 45 minutes each way, plus the time I spend driving for work so I go through a lot of audiobooks! I don’t really remember any toys from my childhood, but my first “favorite book” was Mimi the Merry-go-Round cat.

  57. Susan

    I love audio books. I load them to my iPod and listen when I am doing boring things like housework. My favorite childhood toy was a brown teddy bear named Teddy – very original, I know. He was bigger than I was when I received him. I still have him.

  58. My favorite toy as a child was my Rubik’s cube, though I never once solved it. I just loved the feel of it in my hands and the sounds it made as I twisted and turned the faces. It was like a stress ball for the kiddie version of me.

    The first audiobook I listened to was one by a most-beloved author and one of my favorite books, but the narrator was just… awful and almost ruined the book for me so I turned it off and swore never again, I’d just stick with my imagination. I had NO IDEA what the right narrator could do with characters and a story that lived only on paper until recently for some completely random reason I started listening to Sinner’s Gin. I was hooked from the prologue (the talent that man has with multiple voices – and the accents!!!) and *very* happily went through both Sinners and CM series. Thank you, thank you, thank you for writing these books about characters I utterly adore, and thank you one more time for working with such amazing narrators.

    Seriously. Thank you.

    1. okay.. that comment went to the wrong place. wtf???? heh.

      Tristan does such a damned good job. So does Greg. Really. Adore them.

  59. My favorite toy was a stuffed alligator the length of my bed. As a very young child, I was terrified there were alligators under my bed, so my uncle bought me the stuffed alligator and told me it was the king of the alligators and the alligators under my bed wouldn’t hurt me since he was my friend. Then when I was older, I was terrified of witches and my mother made up a myth that witches were terrified of alligators and therefore, no witches would bother me since I slept with an alligator.
    My favorite game was Adoption Agency. You’ve never heard of it? That’s because I made it up. I kept a list of children and all of their identifying characteristics and personalities and then made up parents to adopt them. I kept fat notebooks full of the adoption information. Why yes, I was a very strange child with a screaming anxiety disorder. How did you ever guess?

  60. sophiesolis397259782

    My fave toy? My first Cabbage Patch Kid. His name is Michael and he was a gift to me for xmas in 1986. He’s 27 yrs old and still looks like a baby to me 🙂

  61. Trix

    I’m still wading into audiobooks, but have heard great things about your narrators! I think the toy I miss most is the Magical Musical Thing…it was a vaguely Flying Vee-shaped plastic toy with little touch pads that corresponded to musical notes. The tone was kind of like a doctored electric guitar (I liken it to the solo in Eddy Grant’s “Romancing The Stone” theme). The batteries were a pain to replace, and I think my mom ditched it after it woke us up in the middle of the night once too often (the pads were really sensitive, and something landed on one and made us think it was the smoke detector).

  62. My favorite toys as a kid were my Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman action figures. No, not dolls, action figures! *grin* http://bionic.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page

    I had the house, the car, and tons of outfits for her (God, I was such a gay little kid) and the three of us would spend hours fighting bad guys together.

    And, at the end of the day, after all the villains were locked away, Steve and Jamie would head back to her place and he’d do her hair. Yep, so gay! *giggle*

    Thanks for the memories, Rhys!

    JLT =)

  63. Sandra Flynn

    I love audio books!! My favorite toy growing up was Weebles, I had the treehouse and the farm……Weebles wobbles but they don’t fall down!!!!

  64. I still have my favorite toy. It’s a really funky stuffed dog that my grandmother bought for me the day I was born. When I could talk I named him after Clarabelle the Clown on the Howdy Doody Show but I couldn’t say that name. So I called her ClowderBellder. She is now almost 65 years and still going!

  65. Favorite toy? Toys …. my Sunshine Family dolls. I loved those things. I made them clothes and furniture and invented all kinds of fabulous stories about what they were doing in their lives.

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