Dirty or Sinners? Vote and Win. Maybe. *grins*

APPARENTLY…. there has been some discussion about which series has the hottest guys… Dirty with Cole and Jae or Sinner’s with Miki and Kane.

I will leave it up to you all to decide.

I’ll close the voting at the end of this week (Noon Saturday, March 16. Pacific Standard Time). Leave your reason why in the comments and I will randomly choose one commenter to receive a $10 gift certificate to the book website of their choice… Amazon, B&N… etc.

Really? Hotter? Huh. *grins* I have my favourites. I won’t say who.


56 thoughts on “Dirty or Sinners? Vote and Win. Maybe. *grins*

  1. Abby

    So many hot scenes in all the books but there’s just something so hot about Jae and Cole together. Something about how Jae gives himself over to Cole despite all his demons and vulnerabilities.
    Plus, they broke the bloody bed. 😀

  2. Amanda Seal

    Dirty with Cole and Jae. Seriously you could have asked me which of my eyeballs would I rather plucked out and I could of answered it easier! >.< I have a soft spot for Miki always will but when you get down and dirty with the sexiness? It is a narrow win with Cole and Jae because I am find sarcasm and humor sexy as fuck. Cole always has the background dialogue going especially when it is pertaining to Jae and that is really hot. That and they did manage to break a bed.

    P. S

    I really wouldn't mind being Scarlet. 😉

  3. Deirdre

    I have to choose? Cant i have them all?? Ok, i would pick Miki and Kane . . . There was just something off the charts with them . . .

  4. Aniko

    I’ve gotten to know Jae & Cole more than Miki and Kane, that’s the only reason I had to choose them. Otherwise it would be an impossible choice!

  5. That’s almost impossible to choose I love both couples, but I gotta say Jae & Cole have somewhat of a lead. And I can’t wait for Dirty Laundry to come out

  6. Kris

    I had to think for a long time about this, but in the end I had to go with Jae and Cole because the two of them together just do it for me. They are exactly what I love about a couple.

  7. Well, I picked Jae and Cole. Those boys are HOT together! Maybe it’s because I know them better or because their love is so intense…

  8. If I were FORCED to choose it would have to be Miki and Kane, but only by a squeak. Both series have wonderful characters, both primary and secondary, but I love Miki’s broken strength…and Dude. 🙂

      1. could i choose all that u write, unnie? XD

        btw…i’m sending u a lil something as soon as i get a chance to go to the post office. it’s nothing much. i’m telling u so that u won’t think it’s a bomb. LOL love u. *smoochies*

  9. Cookie

    This picking thing is wrong. Really, really wrong. I may even vote twice. Tonight, I’m going with Cole and Jae because I can’t resist sexy snark. And. Well. That damn broken bed was hot. Tomorrow I’ll likely be back to change my mind to Kane and Mikki. Because Kane’s a Morgan (which kind of explains everything) and Mikki comes with Dude (a dog he may or may not own).

      1. Cookie

        So if I leave more than one comment does that increase my chances of winning?

        And ia agree with Treasure. I need to be able to vote for Bobby too.

  10. Patricia Grayson

    This is not FAIR, Rhys! However, I have a weakness….weakness…for Jae. With his Cole.

  11. Crissy M

    The Morgans…Any Morgan really…big and sexy…as long as we can get them speaking in that Irish brogue…yummy!

  12. Verena

    Both are totally hot, but I would say Cole and Jae. I really like how the physical side of their relationship developed in the course of the books. They’re getting hotter with each book. I always prefer to get to know couples over a longer period of time. I hope that made sense. 😀

  13. I wanted to vote for all of them, but you didn’t have that option. So, I went with Miki and Kane. Not like it was an easy decision. I was torn and didn’t want to upset any of them.

  14. Christina

    Difficult decision but I’ll vote for Cole and Jae because, well, they did break a bed!

  15. Juliana

    An evil, horrible human being asked me to pick and I’m not happy about it! >.<
    I said Cole & Jae, because of the broken bed mostly. I was tempted to go Miki & Kane because Kane does woodworking, which I find oddly sexual…

  16. I have to go with Miki and Kane because I found them first and got to Cole and Jae later… That being said, if I actually sat down to think about better reasons for picking one over the other. The biggest thing that comes to mind is that for me personally I like relationships that give and take a bit more. I don’t mean this negatively, I would compliment you on Cole and Jae because of that relationship despite the one way act of things, I never got bored with them. Which, shows your skill at writing characters and scenes. But I felt that there was a little bit more give and taken of things in the bedroom with Miki and Kane.

    Which is just a personal thing for me, that I enjoy. 🙂 Either way, they are both great couples and all great characters. I devoured all three books in a matter of weeks and look forward to more.

    1. Heh. Smooches.

      There IS a bit more of give and take in the bedroom for Miki and Kane which I think has a lot to do with their “willingness” to be with each other. Jae has… issues. But oh, he’ll shift a little bit in Dirty Laundry. One way or the other.

      I am so glad you liked the books! Thank you!

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