Minions at Yaoi-Con…

I have a group of very close, sweetheart friends. Seriously, these people are probably the keepers of rainbows and black winged angels. I might call them minions but in truth, they are the spaces in between my heartbeats.

Bi, Ren and Hoshi

This is Bi, Ren and Hoshi. I’ve known them for years. Loved them for years. They are my little sisters in so many things… and are great fun. They spent one day at Yaoi Con dressed as female Dean, Sam and Castiel. The rest of the time, they were their own awesome selves.

Ren was Sam. It’s cause she’s GINORMOUS. Well, okay so she’s a wee bit of a coffee bunneh but so much love. Her soul is bigger than her body can contain.

This is Bi. She was Dean. Seriously, unicorns look at her and want her spirit. Being around Bi is like sipping a chocolate rainbow with sprinkles.

This is Hoshi and was their Castiel. She’s a fantastic slice of dark blended coffee and delight. I adore her. She makes me laugh and gets my sick jokes. She also is more than willing to sit next to me in the Firebird and have AC/DC set to earbleed as we go down the highway.

These are my minions… and I am so grateful they were with me at Yaoi-Con. Heh… and the Bishi Auction with them was a riot. Much love. Coffee Love.









8 thoughts on “Minions at Yaoi-Con…

  1. Patricia Grayson

    Still up, and got to see your friends, like “the spaces between your heartbeats.”
    You sure deserved that break, but get back to work, please!

  2. SAM I AM. rawrrr.

    HOSHI!BOMB TROLL. I WAS TROLLLLLLLLED. T_____________________________T

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